HE must become Greater and I must become less

Join me in My Attempt to Dance upon Injustice

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is normal anyway?

Unique, "out there", weird, different, unconventional, free-spirited, quirky. All of these words are often used to describe me. My typical response to all of these words are "I've never claimed to be normal" I am an individual and like it. I actually embrace all of these words or phrases that people use to define me, because after 23 years I love how weird I am. I also find great joy into sucking others into my wonderful world of weird. I, therefore, have decided to dedicate my next few posts to my "Uniqueness". Let the world (or my 10 followers) see my quirks, my obsessions, my reality.

Where else to start than my most recent oddity.

Ever since this summer my house (me and 4 other girls) have loved to watch Law and Order SVU together (thank you, Instant Netflix). This obviously led to our obsession with Detective Olivia Benson. {TIMEOUT} I should go back and say that I love claiming to be best friends with people I either don't know at all, or barely know.(QUIRK) {TIMEIN} Olivia Benson became a bff to our house.
Another weird thing I like to do is to research my "best friends" on Wikipedia. Wikipedia directed me to Mariska's (Det Benson's real name) personal website which inevitably led to my writing her fan mail. ( PLEASE KNOW HOW BORED I USED TO BE AT WORK)

My email was basically telling her I live with girls and we joke about how she is our bff. Then we wanted her to know that if she wanted to come to our guacamole and margarita night that would be okay. ---- OK ok I realize she could have misinterpreted my weird for stalkeresque but luckily she didn't. Because two days later I received this
"Well ladies., that's mighty tempting!
I am honored. you sound like a very cool group of women.
God bless
Thanks for the shout out
Your new bff

This made our day/week/month! It would be rude to not respond. Right?

I am thrilled to say that you made our house very happy with your quick response to our email. We may or may not have told everyone we know. I have attached a picture of our house (since we are BFF's now) Don't we just look like quality friends? Also If you're up for a road trip to Atlanta we are leaving Friday. You can just fly into the Indianapolis Airport and we'll pick you up on the way.
Hope to see you Fridee; if not we'll see you on Netflix.
Your bffs
Katie,Katie Kayla, Jan, and Danielle

For some reason, we haven't got a response :)

This correspondence and one late loopy night has inspired us. We have now written to other people inviting them over for guacamole and margaritas. The list includes: Ellen, David Letterman, Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Neil Patrick Harris
Safe to say I've offically SUCKED my roomies into this particular part of my wonderful world of weird.

Stay tuned next time for the Adventures with Mariska!

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